install CLEO3
How to do, look at GX.img at;12635014;/fileinfo.html-copy GX.img into GTASA\models - folder
it includes the girl models
- Edit the gta.dat to load the GX.img
Open the file gta.dat, located on your DATA folder, with notepad,
scroll down until you see lines, all starting with IMG MODELS\...
Add this line there:
or copy the including gta.dat to GTASA\data
-copy GFXXX.cs into GTASA\CLEO - folder
-copy GFnames.fxt into GTASA\CLEO\CLEO_TEXT - folder
have fun
If you have 2.Edition you need also the erotic-animation: sex.ifp, snm.ifp, BLOWJOBZ.ifp, KISSING.ifp, which are normaly placed in the gta3.img
Download the missing files at the files from zip-archiv and import them with IMG tool into the GX.img or into your gta3.img and run than "Rebuild Archive"
find girls in save apartements
visit the original girlfriends at their home via an additional red marker
find girls in Jefferson Motel
visit swinger club via additional red marker in NightClub
Also you can visit the original girlfriends at their home using hotkey and menue
type GFX on keyboard like a cheat
And you can play XXX everywhere using hotkey and menue
type SEX or TEX on keyboard like a cheat
Nette Mไdchen erwarten Dich in den Save-Apartements
Besuche die orginal Freundinnen in ihren Wohnungen ber eine zusไtzliche rote Markierung
4 weitere Damen im Jefferson Motel
Die original Freundinnen kann man auch per Hotkey und Menue besuchen
tippe dazu GFX auf der Tastatur wie ein cheat
Au฿erdem kann man mit den Damen berall Sexspielchen betreiben,
indem man das GFXXX-Menue aufruft,
tippe dazu SEX oder TEX auf der Tastatur wie ein cheat
Verteilung der Weiber in den Safe houses:
Lara in Grovestreet
Bettina in Maddogs bungalow
Bettina in LV nord villa
Helena in hotel suite
Carmen in Queens hotel suite
Millie in "First class" apartement
Carmen in "Second class" apartement
nurse (Barbara) in "Third class" apartement
conny (Katie) in "Fourth class" apartement
Katie in "Sixth class" arpatement (LS east)
Mary in Hushburry house
Carmen, Wyona(wfysex), Katie, Babara in Jeffers.Motel
Damen, die man ber SEX oder TEX bekommt, werden auch mit ins Auto einsteigen
dazu mit Enter/Exit das Aktionsmenue beenden, dann folgt sie dem Player, auch ins Auto
Much credits and thanks to Seemann
Seemann provides at his homepage the original CLEO 3 -Library,
which includes additional Plugins, e.g. a MP3 Player
In addition he gives support for the CLEO technic and for Sannybuilder
Also Credits to "Delfi - Jernej L." author of ASI plugin loader, Garage Mod Manager and TXDworkshop
Carmen is made by justa_newbie
Lara is converted by BeeswaX
Bettina from cutscene of Jizzymission by Zaz
Bart Waterduck for Mission Builder and inspiration
Plynton, spaceeinstein, Craig Kostelecky, Patrik W., Opius, ceej, Y_Less, Nubbel, sleeper777, and much more who made basic work on mission coding
Also Credits to Demarest